BWRT® Insights?

BWRT® can help you overcome whatever is stopping you from being the person you want to be. Read more below and discover how BWRT® can help you.
Do you feel anxiety or fear before a work meeting?

Do you feel anxiety or fear before a work meeting?

The number of people who admit to feeling anxiety, or even fear, before a work meeting is growing fast. And of those people who are confessing to it, a significant proportion say it has actually affected their performance in those meetings, whether they are there to...

Are you alcohol dependent?

Are you alcohol dependent?

Does alcohol play too important, or consistent, a part in your life? It could be that you are alcohol dependent. In essence, alcohol dependency sums up a situation where alcohol has become more than simply an occasional or weekend experience, and is impinging upon day to day life, with the very many negative effects you might expect.

I have trained in both Level 1 and Level 2 BWRT® with Terence Watt himself, many years ago, and have seen time and time again the power of this dynamic, rapidly effective treatment.

If you are struggling with life, BWRT® could be the solution you need to re-set and move on. To find out how I can help, call or email me now to arrange a free 20 min phone consultation:

0161 374 0227

Find out more about other therapies Sally can offer at Mind Solutions Hypnotherapy: